Be kind to your Pastors : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

One of the clergy jokes that I have heard is "The day after Easter they roll all the clergy into the empty tomb, because they are exhausted from Holy Week!" This is a busy week for clergy and staff, do take time to pray for your Pastors, and ask if there is anything you can do to help. Pick up flowers, clean, fold programs, help at coffee hour. There will be a lot of new visitors at the services, greet them with love. Thanks and Praise God and Jesus!

-- Anonymous, April 09, 2001


A big AMEN. I would like to request that we need to be kind to the Pastors spouses as well. The children should be prayed for.So often We hear bad things spoken into the lives of the PK's .We need to pray for them and speak life into their lives.

-- Anonymous, April 09, 2001

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