Information please: Montgomery Ward Wood Cookstove : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a mid-80's wood cookstove, made by Montgomery Wards. It needs some refurbishing and I am trying to find a parts supplier. Haven't had any luck with MW. Anyone have any info on these? Thanks, enjoy your life.

-- Deborah (, April 08, 2001


You might try Lehman's (the place in Ohio that is famous for there non-electric stuff). They are online. If you contact them via telephone or email I am sure they can help. We have been to thier store and they have a ton of stuff not listed in the catalog. They are also in the heart of Amish country and are very helpful folks and if they don't have it would put you in touch with someone in that area who sells parts, etc. There are a bunch of places there with woodcook stove parts, etc. Good Luck!

-- KBall (, April 14, 2001.

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