Cold and Flu got ya down? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Let me fix ya right up! Been doin this for years and it works every time. At the first onset of your sniffly nose, achy joints, or that nasty cough take some of Dr. Boswell's root juice. It won't kill ya or even make ya dizzy, but it will make every day seem like Friday when everybody else is miserable with the shits, shakes, and a fever.

Go to your local Vet Clinic and pick up the livestock Terramycin Soluble Powder and stir it up in your orange juice in the morning and your Bloody Mary at night before bedtime. Add some cayenne pepper, lemon juice and chase it with four devil eggs. It's a great antibiotic and only $4.25 a package. That'll last you 4 years! Damn sight cheaper than a doctor appointment just to get a prescription. You can get penycillin and erythimcyin in the pet and fish store in capsull form. They use it in aquariums to cure fish diarrea and clean up the water.

Vets have been fixen themselves up for years. Local vet down at Orofino tried to give himself a vasectomy a few years ago and his Medical doctor wanted to be there to see him do it. Loyd fixed up a bunch of mirrors so he could see what he was a doin and he got the left side done cause he was right handed but halfway thru the rightside procedure he got kind of woosy and kept droppin the vaserin dems cord. He yelled Uncle and said he'd had enough and his doc took over. Doc Livingston said Loyd had bigger balls then anybody else in the county for doin that!

-- Boswell (, April 07, 2001


LOL, Anita don't miss this one.

-- Lars (, April 07, 2001.


I didn't miss it. When Boswell speaks, Anita listens.

-- Anita (, April 07, 2001.

I just hope Boswell's name is not Loyd.

-- Lars (, April 07, 2001.

NO, your antibiotics will have zero effect on the flu. Bacteria yes, virus, no.

-- Scotchy (Stan@The.Man), April 07, 2001.

Funny Bos,

But if you really want to beat a cold in it's early stages when it is still viral, have some ZICAM zinc nasal spray from the drugstore handy and give your nostrils a squirt as soon as you start feeling one coming on. Repeat every 4 to 6 hours and before long it will be gone. Meanwhile all the doubters around you will be hosting full-blown colds. Even if you are already sick, it will shorten the duration and help keep your nose clear so you can sleep at night. Zinc is death to the cold virus and the spray gets it up there where it's needed most.

I sure do agree with using Cayenne, though. Enough of it can cure many of an ill!!!

For flu, have some Occilliococcinum on hand. It's a homeopathic remedy sold at the health food store and I think it really helps based on personal experience.

-- RX (older@and.wiser), April 07, 2001.

***NO, your antibiotics will have zero effect on the flu. Bacteria yes, virus, no.***

Tis true, the flu must simply run its course BUT many develop some kind of secondary infection ie sinus or bronchial infection

Myself, I believe in antibiotics only as a last resort. Keep your temp up and keep hydrated and let your body fight it off.

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 07, 2001.

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