Question re: Olive Pomace : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was shopping recently with my brain on auto pilot and picked up what I thought was regular olive oil. When I brought it home and poured it out of the gallon can into my clear glass bottle I use by the stove it was very green. Does anyone know what I've purchased. It doesnt taste bad but I'd like to know what it is. The name on the can is Olive Pomace Oil. Thanks Peggy
-- Peggy Carr (, April 04, 2001
Hi Peggy, You just got olive oil from a later pressing than extra virgin or virgin. It won't be as flavorful, but it's just fine to use. A lot of people use it in soap because it doesn't have so much "olive" flavor.
-- Laura Jensen (, April 05, 2001.
I am not familiar with this brand, but would be concerned that it is not pressed, but chemically processed.
-- Lynn Goltz (, April 05, 2001.
Pomace oil is from olives after ordinary pressing has got as much as it can. Pomace oil is solvent-extracted, but not as far along the line as chemically-processed. Olive-pomace oil is a blend of pressed olive oil with pomace oil, and is intended to be edible grade.
-- Don Armstrong (, April 05, 2001.