SIGMA AF 2X APO EX Teleconverter : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I have a Minolta HTSI Plus. I wan't a 2x teleconverter to double my 70-210 lens.

Will I get better results buying this teleconverter insead of buying an off brand auto focus teleconverter?

-- Brian Smith (, April 04, 2001


Well Brian, in a manner of speaking, the Sigma 2X is an off brand. You don't say what the aperture of your 70-210 is but remember that whatever it is you will lost two stops and considerable emage quality.

-- Chuck Bettis (, April 04, 2001.

The Sigma APO EX teleconverters are designed to work with lenses with recessed rear elements. I have the 1.4x version, and it mounts on my Nikon 80-200/2.8 and 300/4, but not (not that I'd want to, but I checked anyway) on my 70-300/4-5.6 or any of my lenses in the wide, standard, or short telephoto group. So, make sure it'll fit your lens.

-- John Kuraoka (, April 05, 2001.

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