Emulsion refuses to stick to paper

greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

The removal and the transfer of the emulsion was a peice of cake but after they had been left to dry on the paper for 12 hours the emulsion simple crinkled or rolled and refused to adhere to the paper. I am using a Bockingford 300gsm Water Colour Paper. What is going on?

-- Danny Eastwood (danny@lightworkx.co.nz), April 01, 2001



I was wondering if you used a roller to push the emulsion down onto the paper while it was still wet? If this is the problem I would even try rewetting the ones you already did and rolling them onto the paper to see if you can salvage them. I use one from Hobby Lobby that is hard but flexible rubber. I think they are called brayer rollers. If you already did this I can't imagine why your emulsion is pealing up!

Good luck! Angela

-- Angela (angmaywin@hotmail.com), April 02, 2001.

We have found that using Fabriano 140 pound hot press works the best.

-- Jim and Sonia Austin (soniajim@msn.com), November 19, 2002.

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