Baptism of Solitude : LUSENET : Bill Laswell : One Thread

I've been trying to find a copy of the Paul Bowles/Bill Laswell CD "Baptism of Solitude", but with any luck. I'd prefer the boxed version with the extensive booklet, but I'd take the standard release too. Is it out of print? Any suggestions as to where I might look? Any info is appreciated.


-- David Reddig (, March 31, 2001


Yes it's long out of print.I see it on ebay every once in a while.Also,try

-- Marcus Morgan (, April 03, 2001.

I found this CD on a dutch site called I'm not sure wether it's the boxed version or the original release.

-- Jeroen Bruin (, June 11, 2001.

Baptism of Solitude

I relish the idea that in the night, all around me in my sleep, sorcery is burrowing its invisible tunnels in every direction...


-- Michael Sherpenski (, November 19, 2004.

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