Happy Birthday!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

Everybody sing for Katie...she's a year older, and none the wiser...

peace out, yo!

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001


HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE hope your day went better !!!!!!!! JON

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Ummm.. Happy birthday and stuff.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

Happy b-day to my favoritist nympho in the world... may you continue to grow in beauty and splend.... *snort*... I almost made it through typing that without laughing... so close... so close... seriously, happy b-day...

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Oh yeah, Happy b-day!!

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2001

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