What's wrong with America?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

I would submit it is attitudes like those just below which is largely the problem with America. When exactly did many just conclude to F$ck-it? When did helplessness become vogue? Why is accepting even considered sensible? All got to "deal with the cards dealt" but come-on people when is enough, enough?.

Who benefits when many just throw-up their hands? What exactly is important in Life? Is life worth living without passion?

When exactly did the music die?

YY, I follow the rules as regards employment but the real truth regarding immigration is that the game is over. Sovereign nations were once measured by their borders. No more. Best to adapt and whatever you don't get too attached to a flag.

-- XXXX (XXXX@XXXX.net), March 27, 2001.

Ah XXXX sir, your learned words of truth are a bitter pill to swallow. In my soul that reality has been accepted but my mind still seeks those elusive solutions that may never exist. History has shown us many major shifts of power and one can only speculate what the cards may hold for this country.

-- YY (YY@YY.com), March 27, 2001.

Clipped from a webfora really close by if ya wondered.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001


What's wrong with America?


-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

What's wrong with America?

Many things, it's an imperfect world. But nonetheless, America is preferable to.......oh say, Afghanistan.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001


This question was raised on Spinoff. What is wrong with America? I answered Flint . Everyone but Flint agreed. Then you know Flint, he will argue about anything. *<)))

You know that this was a joke.

Best Wishes,,,


-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001

The race for American mediocrity is winning and you beef about your success. What gives? You want a hand in this dismantling?

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Apparently I do not speak "carlos". Would somebody be as so kind to translate it for me? thanks in advance.

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Greed. And um, Bush. LOL.

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

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