What would you do if Jesus was coming next week?

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As I was driving to work this morning, I began to wonder what would I do if Jesus was coming next week. Would anyone like to share their thoughts on this subject?


-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001


In short my answer would be NOT ONE THING. When I was eight years old I met the conditions found in Romans 10:9. I am now 56 years old. While there have been many things which I should have done I did not, and many things I should not have done I did do, the conditions of this wonderful passage still stand and I praise God that IT IS SO.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

In a twinkling of an eye I'll be caught up to meet him in the air.

In Christ, Carmen

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001

I guess that is why He said that no one would know. He really does not want us to DO anything except trust Him. Blessings, Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

I would want to run and tell everyone, especially some brothers I've been praying would come to Christ. I guess the urgency of that unknown moment must be acted on at this moment. Talk to yuo later got to go witness. Love ya, Bro. Burns

-- Anonymous, March 29, 2001

Preparing to meet the master for I have longed for a long time now to be unified with him. God bless!

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

Jazzman it is such a joy to hear about your love and growth in Christ, you inspire us all. Please continue to keep us humble in the lord! Your question is indeed a valid question for the 21st century. For it is the same question that the early church asked of it's followers, when Jesus was crucified and resurrected, the early church followers assumed he would return to them quickly. So every day was thought of as an "Easter experience" you may have heard the term the "The Easter Church." In the early church there was excitement and anticipation for the return of Christ, this anticipation helped fuel evangelism around the world. When we are presented with the question "What would you do if Jesus came back next week" we then become like the early church, preparing the way with evangelism. Yes, scripture tells us that we will not know when he will return, but scripture also tells us not to fall asleep! Jazzman thank you for the "Wake up call!" Joy in Christ for he is coming back for us.

-- Anonymous, March 30, 2001

JazzMan, My apologies. I misinterpreted your questions. So my answered reflected my desire and faith that I would be caught up to meet Jesus when he comes.

On the other hand to know he would come next week, I would hopefully possess more of an urgency to show love, even to those that are hard to love. And pray particularly for God to clean my heart, make it pure. Sometimes, I believe hidden in us our areas of unforgiveness, and a stubborness to ask for forgiveness.

That's a good question, and one that perhaps we all should think and live accordingly. Not for just next week, but for the day. For truly we know not the day or the hour he shall appear.

I want to always be one of those that are looking for his appearance.

In Christ, Carmen

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

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