Why do I still Love him?greenspun.com : LUSENET : domestic violence : One Thread |
I have been married for little over a year now. My husband has beat me many times, I have now left him and we have been apart for 2 weeks. My question is why do I still want to be with him? How do I make my self move on with my life? and how do I get over the pain of knowing that someone I loved didn't love me enogh not to hit me? please let me know if you have any answers
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2001
Cathy, I know where your comming from. I was married to an abusive man myself, and left him after 7yrs. I have since remarried and find myself in the same postion. Please don't make the same mistake I have and feel that you can't make it on your own or that it's your fault. what I did the first time is picture my self in my own apt. not having to answer to any one. enjoying life. you can do it! if you want to talk send me an email. I will reply ok. Victoria
-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001
you are suffering from seperation axiety. you only want to be with him because you can't have him any more. time is a great healer and just remember, its only been 2 weeks. you can't make yourself stop feeling like this because you can't help your feelings, but you can do your best by going out with friends, have a good time, you are free now! just remember this: you shouldn't cry over someone who won't cry over you. i hope i have helped. xxxGillxxx
-- Anonymous, July 22, 2003