Besseler CB : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Can anyone tell me about this enlarger? I was talking with someone who is selling their's. It is a dichrioc color head. I was wondering how it compares with the 45 MX which I know very well.
-- Ravin (, March 26, 2001
Ravin, I have a CB7 and love it.I think you will find it a tad bigger and heavier than the MX.It has motorised movements for elevation and focus.I have a zone vi head on mine and am pleased with sturdiness of it.Good luck
-- Emerald Estock (, March 27, 2001.
I think if you search the archives here carefully, you will find another thread a year or so old that will answer most (or at least some) of your questions.
-- Wayne (, March 27, 2001.