Charter Oak wood cook stove : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I recently purchased a "Charter Oak" wood cook stove, I would appreciate any information available. Chromed plate on front of oven door reads "REX". On the cook-top, in the back left hand corner, are the raised numbers "1881". I do not know if it is the year, or a model number. Some restoration is needed, however for the most part it is complete.

-- Rope Jones (, March 23, 2001


Just went to and did a search on charter oak wood cook stove. Came up with as a reference. Didn't take too much time to go thru the site, but judging by the prices quoted for selling antique stoves, you might just want to sell it and buy something else.

Carol - in the Blue Ridge Mts

-- Carol Mora (, March 25, 2001.

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