Models used in "Greatest Show on Earth" : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

Just curious if any knows anything about the models used in the wreck scene of the movie, The Greatest Show on Earth. (Courtesty of Bill Delmar, see the following web site for one still of the wreck and some commentary on that part of the movie) -

From seeing the movie "years ago," I remember an ACL Pacific and ACL wood M-3 caboose as part of the "train set" used in the filming. I wonder if perhaps Bill Lenoir's O scale models were used??

-- Larry Goolsby (, March 23, 2001


The movie was filmed in Sarasota at the winter home of the circus. The very first scene was at the circus grounds with John Ringling North and in his private car named "Jomar" That was short for his aunt and uncles names. John and Mable Ringling. When the ACL steam engine pulled out, the was the real catholic pastor of St Martha's Catholic Church blessing the train. In fact, that was a ritual every year. The motor cycle police officers were real Sarasota Police officer's. Maybe on overtime. All the rest of the filming was done at the winter quarters. In fact it was advertised in the Florida papers that this was taking place so they would get a crowd. Now after the great wreck in the movie, would you believe the parade was done right back in Sarasota. Yes, that is Main Street in Sarasota. I would have to see the movie again but I believe they just miss the old Seaboard station on Main Street.

-- Dick Kearns (, March 25, 2001.

where in florida on the acl was this filmed?

-- troy nolen (, March 23, 2001.

The ACL pacific (I believe it was a P-3) and the caboose are/were the real thing. Recall hearing some nice ACL whistles. Filmed in FL during the circus off season. Know nothing about the models used in the wreck scene other than the steamer had a CB&Q look to it.

-- Buddy Hill (, March 23, 2001.

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