increasing brightness in 23CII with dichro head : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

i have a beseler 23CII with a dichro head. I'd like to increase the brightness and am wondering if I can get a brighter bulb.

Right now I'm using an EJL, 24 volt/200 watt. can i replace it with an ELC 24 volt/250 watt, or will i screw something up?

-- brad daly (, March 22, 2001


Check with Beseler to see if this is the recommended lamp, and if the substitute is OK.

What format size are you using? If it is 35mm and you are not using the 35mm mixing chamber you can get a brighter image by simply using the 35mm chamber.

-- Charlie Strack (, March 22, 2001.

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