FREE (really great) BOOK (How to Earn Extra Money in the Country) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I saw a bit ago that someone besides myself was looking for ways to generate income from the farm. Well, Ken S. sent me an email for an e-book he wrote. Its great!!! Tons of ideas (some I never in a million years would have thought of!) tons of sources for info, and just plain fun reading!!!!!

Now, I know that we aren't supposed to advertise here... But it IS free, and it IS by one of our own, so I hope nobody minds.

Now, you'll all have to ask Ken for it, cause I can't pull the addy out of the attachment... Don't know how. But its 132 pages of nothing but cool ideas and great information -

Oh.... by the way..... he offers a 'money-back guarantee' ;-) !!

-- Sue Diederich (, March 21, 2001


I got the book too and really like it. I'm hoping to start a couple of ideas as soon as the snow melts - which should be any day now!

-- Bonnie (, March 21, 2001.

How long did it take you to get the e-book? I have requested, but maybe he is getting tons of requests. Brenda

-- Brenda (, March 21, 2001.

I got mine the same day I requested it, but that was about a week ago. I'll bet Ken is deluged with requests by now. Be patient - it's worth it!

-- Bonnie (, March 21, 2001.


I generally respond with the book within a couple of hours. However, you are not the first to note they made a request and didn't receive it. Have no record on your request, so it may have been lost in the ester somewhere. Sometimes that happens when I send it out also. Have sent copy.

Also: For whatever reason I cannot send it to anyone at Perhaps the attachment is too large. Those at will need to find another e-mail address I can send it to.

This is a large file, so allow time for it to download. Get a cup of coffee, play with the kids, whatever.

Ken Scharabok

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, March 22, 2001.

K... had a couple questions in my email this morning, so I'll answer here...

First, nope, book isn't free just for me (couple folks asked if I got it for free for the note I posted...) - its free for everybody!!

Second.... I guess I put it into my word processor or something before printing - its actually 200 + pages. Don't know how I did it, but I did... Just shows how little I know about these 'computer things'!!

Sorry for all the confusion -

-- Sue Diederich (, March 22, 2001.


I've also run into some skepticism about my free offer. I tried to sell this book as self-published, but printing cost were high on a limited run so the price I have to charge, $25 postpaid, didn't sell many copy. Did enough to breakeven though. The book is sitting in my hard drive so why not share it as it doesn't cost me anything to send it out. Certainly not great literature, but perhaps there's something in there which might help someone else.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, March 22, 2001.

I also received a copy of Ken's book. It is wonderful. Thank you again Ken for the copy.

-- sara (, March 25, 2001.

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