which camera to buy

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hi there I have been shooting 35 mm on Nikon fm2 and now F90X for quite some time. I have always relied on Fm2 more that any other electronic camera. Which medium format camera can be comparable to the Fm2's rock solid and yet compatible nature? Thanks Middle

-- middle (middlegray@hotmail.com), March 21, 2001


Rolleiflex TLR. Hassleblad 6x6 SLR. Contax 645 SLR.

Dr Owl

-- John Owlett (owl@postmaster.co.uk), March 21, 2001.

I own an FM2 and I've used a number of the cameras mentioned, and the one that is most familiar and comfortable given that experience is the Pentax 67. It handles an awful lot like an FM2 and feels very familiar.

-- Mark Wilkins (mark_wilkins@yahoo.com), March 24, 2001.

When the medium format bug was trying to bite me, I found this site useful in comparing different MF systems.

-- AC Gordon (cliffdeb@ciris.net), March 25, 2001.

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