How to store eggs for incubation? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We just got our first egg from our new Buff Orpington hens. What an exciting day!! My husband thinks I'm crazy!! How should these eggs be stored until I have enough to put into an incubator? I know they can be up to two weeks old but I don't know what temp I should keep them at.

Thanks and have a great day!!!


-- Silvia Stoddart (, March 21, 2001


We just hatched our first large batch. We kept the eggs at room temperature and had a good hatch rate. I don't think they're too sensitive, since in nature they would be exposed to anything from cool nights to hot afternoons. We even hatched some Buffs from the refrigerator once (in emergency!) with limited success.

-- David C (, March 21, 2001.

Store at temp. 45 to 55 degrees. I store in an cardboard egg carton. Store pointy end down and tip twice a day. I set one end of the carton up on something an inch or so higher than the other end and switch sides. Choose normal shaped eggs, med. size, and no thin shells. store at room temp 3-6 hours before incubating. The fun is about to begin!

-- T. Crockett (, March 21, 2001.

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