Benefit of small offsite teams : LUSENET : work teams : One Thread

Hi, I was hoping someone might be able to direct me to a study on the effectiveness of smaller teams working off-site. I work for a very large corporation in the multimedia/entertainment industry that houses all talent in their head office. I'm looking for a study that addresses the benefits of spinning off small focused development teams into their own shop for a more productive efficient work environment.

Thanks, Shelley

-- Shelley Voyer (, March 21, 2001


You might want to try all of the literature on "skunk-works" types of activities from years past or some of the current discussions in the lean manufacturing world around "moonbeam or moon shine shops". One caution....small teams are good for INITIAL development, not too hot for evaluation followed by implementation (they fall too much in love with their own ideas & the small group is usually too close to be objective).

-- shelley jones (, May 07, 2001.

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