What is going on with my rabbit (breeding, kindling question)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a mini-rex doe that is about 10 months old. We recently moved her and the buck into a new pen with separate compartments. The problem is, the "walls" of the compartments don't reach quite all the way to the top, and he managed to climb over and pay her a "visit". That was 2 weeks ago tomorrow. So I was figuring that she would have the babies about a month from then. Well, this afternoon I came home and she is already pulling hair out trying to make a nest.

I figured that one of three things is happening: 1. They already mated before the time that I saw them (although very unlikely, because they hadn't been in the same cage for very long) and she has been pregnant for longer than I thought. 2. She's going to have them early and they're going to die. 3. She doesn't know what she's doing because it's her first time and is making the nest 2 weeks early.

This will be her first babies and obviously I don't know a whole lot about this. What do y'all think? I put a box in there for her tonight just in case......

Thanks! Tracey

-- Tracey Lanier (trjlanier@cs.com), March 16, 2001


Hi Tracy You've done the right thing. If she doesn't have them, she is just having a false pg. - or more than likely, just preparing early. Don't put her back with the buck or take the box out until the 30 days are up. I've had first time does do this before - and about the time I was ready to give up on them kindling, they had healthy litters and were great little mamas. Dennis

-- Dennis Speer (farmsteader@gvtel.com), March 16, 2001.

Tracy, It is possible the buck had managed to get over the wire and back to his side. Or the doe could be one that prepares early and she will have them right on time. Please remember that it can take up to 33 days, so leave te nestbox in the cage til then. Good luck on your bunnies, and try to keep the area around the cage as peaceful and quiet as possible. karen

-- karen (kansasgoats@iwon.com), March 17, 2001.

You are right.... My rabbits are in wire cages, and when I saw a doe 'digging' at the wire, I stuck in a box. She didn't kindle until last Monday, so it was a little over a week and a half. The other doe - bred at the same time, hasn't kindled yet - think she may have 'resorbed' her litter. Don't know....

Mama is a good breeder, the other is a first timer. Built a nest, but won't go in the box..... Don't worry - the rabbits know better than we do - no matter how 'prompt' they may otherwise be!!! I wouldn't worry about early litters and dead little ones, either. Some bunnies are just more 'prepared' than others!

-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), March 19, 2001.

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