Johnson Wray 35mm enlarging lens : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I have a Johnson Wray 35mm enlarger, but without the enlarging lens (careless I know). Where can I get a replacement or an alternative that will fit? Thanks in advance.... tony
-- tony reynolds (, March 15, 2001
Tony, perhaps I'm confused because I've never heard of this machine. Is there something unique about the enlarger that would require a dedicated lens? Enlarging lenses are generally interchangable between machines. Usually, the only variable is the matching the thread type of the lens to the lens board on the enlarger.
-- mitch rosen (, March 15, 2001.
I think it is a English product.If it is it should more and likely take A Lecia thread.Check size of opening in len board.There is two size openings. 25mm and I think 31mm. Both sizes where made and should be on the used market.
-- Larrye Edye (, March 15, 2001.
Unless authenticity is important, then forget the original lens. It would have been fitted with a Wray 'Supar' series lens. To put not-too fine a point on it, all the Wray enlarging lenses were rubbish. They used to be common as dirt, and performed like it.
If you want the enlarger for a museum exhibition, then Wray enlarging lenses are littered all over the UK, and you'll have to find out the exact age of the enlarger to see if a Supar series 1, 2, or 3 is appropriate.
If you want to actually use the thing, get a Schneider Componon-s.
-- Pete Andrews (, March 16, 2001.