Weddings using AE1 P with FTb QL as backup : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

I am considering accepting wedding and portrait opportunities, down the road, utilizing camera/equipment that has been in my family for years. This, of course, after gaining more experience with a Pro that I know.

Would any of you experienced pros do weddings with the following equipment?

AE1 Program 28mm, 50mm 1.4, and 105mm Prime lenses Honeywell Strobonar 770 with battery(2)and A/C attachments Flash Bracket which positions the Strobe to the side FTb QL as a back up Gossen Pilot meter

Rolleiflex TLR 2.8E (for formals)

All is in fine working order, the Rollei is pristine, however I do not have an acceptable Tripod yet.

Or, would it be smarter to sell the FD equipment and buy an Elan 7 with a 28-105 3.5-4.5, using an old Rebel I own as a backup, buy a Stroboframe bracket and updated flash and start from there?

I am extremely familiar and comfortable with the manual set up, it's really all I know and grew up with. This was all willed to me by my Dad who was a very serious amateur photographer, tought me the basics and more, we even had a darkroom.

So, I'm just curious what you think......Thanks!!

-- jwoodson (, March 15, 2001



Shoot with what you are most comfortable with, even if it's an old Petri (yucchh). The AE-1 and FTb will work just fine, the larger format Rollei will deliver better enlargements. If you do make the switch to another system, practice long and diligently before you start taking people's money.


-- Bill Salati (, March 15, 2001.

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