Daddy walks into the light...Dottie : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Our Miss Sunshine posts: 430 (1/23/01 6:20:48 pm) Reply | Edit | Del All Daddy Walks Into The Light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a true account that I posted at another board this past September about the very strange occurrences after my Daddy died. I wish to share it with you now. It may be a bit long, but is so very fascinating. I hope you enjoy.

My Dad died in 1987. I had taken a leave of absence from work to care for him as he was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and nothing could be done except to make him comfortable until the end.

As he became weaker and weaker, he got to the point where he confined himself to the hospital bed I had placed in the living room for his convenience. I sat at his bedside when he was too weak to even talk. I would tell him about going into the light and all the loved ones waiting for him who had passed before. This always was of such comfort to him. I remember telling him that, if he could, to let me know he had made it into the light.

I remember when Daddy took his last breath, I reached over, threw my arms around his neck and said in his ear, "Good bye. I Love You. Good bye. I Love You." I had felt that when that time came I would fall to pieces. But, as I leaned over him, I swear to you, I felt such a strange sensation ... as though his soul passed right though my body and out the other side. It was amazing and I felt such peace.

He died a little before 4 AM on Oct. 5th. I remember going to the wake and turning off every light in the house except for two. I had checked it twice. When we got home, the house looked as though it was on fire. Every light in the house was on ... over the stove, lamps, overhead lights, garage lights ... just not the outdoor light. First I felt there was a problem in the fuse box so checked it. Nope, all was fine. Next, I checked all the light switches ... they were all in the "on" position. Was Daddy trying to tell me he had made it to the other side? Was he saying that he still lives within? Oddly enough, Daddy had written me a letter to be read after his death ... giving advice and such. Well, the very first sentence of the second page reads: "I am hoping to turn on the lights for you". Coincidence? WOW!

While Daddy was dying and weak, my cat (a very affectionate and dear pet) wanted to be with Daddy every moment. This wasn't good as Daddy couldn't push the cat away if he wanted. So, a dear friend offered to take the cat to his home and care for him for how ever long it took. Before my friend new of my Dad's death, he reported to me on the morning of Oct. 5th that the cat had began howling and pacing at about 4AM (the same time my dad died). Now, this cat had never, ever done anything like that before nor since. My friend said he tried everything to console the cat and nothing would stop the cat from howling and pacing. Ever hear of Transmigration? WOW! Could be? Who knows ... I am most definitely open minded after all that happened after Daddy died. Here is more:

When I went back to work, I was in the front office of the doctor's office. I heard someone turning pages of a magazine out in the waiting room (only in one corner) and asked Judy and Cheryl who was out there as no one was signed in. They said that the noise had been going on since last Thursday (October 5th ... day Daddy died) and no one was ever there. I felt it may be the air conditioning vent, so checked it out. Nope. This had never happened before. I started thinking. I said, "Hey, Judy ... Remember when Daddy used to visit this office and how he would get a cup of coffee and go to the waiting room and read magazines? Remember where he sat every time?" Judy turned white and fell into a chair. After that, she never checked the waiting room when she heard the magazine noises.

Then came the day that a man walked in the front door. Judy and I could see him through the frosted window of the sliding glass door that separated us from the waiting room. He was about 5'8", bald and wore a short sleeved green shirt. Well, he just kept walking across to the other side of the waiting room and did not sign in. Judy and I immediately opened the glass window. There was no one there. There is no bathroom in the waiting room and the only other door beside the one to the outside is the door that leads into the back office which was about four feet or so from me. Had he walked into the wall? Had he vanished? Judy looked at me and I knew what she was thinking. Daddy's height, bald head and favorite shirt. This time Judy actually fainted and had to be revived. Poor Judy. But that was the last appearance of Daddy.

Through all that I have told you ... all of which is the absolute truth without any exaggeration whatsoever ... I never was frightened and found all the occurrences most fascinating. Thank you for letting me share with you how my Daddy made it into the light.

"The love for all living creatures is the noblest attribute of man." ~~~Charles Darwin~~~ Please visit us at the Thought Message Board Guardian 507 The Guardian Academy

Lynques Registered User posts: 48 (1/24/01 12:35:58 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Daddy Walks Into The Light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My dad died on Feb. 13, 1992. It had been coming for a long, long time. He finally succumbed when he discovered he had liver, blood, bone, and for him, the most devestating of all, brain cancer. We had rushed several times for the "last" moments, but he rallied each time. The last time, I got there a few minutes too late. But, I had already said my goodbyes before. I was just so happy he was not in pain anymore. Awful thing, watching someone you love in enormous pain.

A few months after that, I was visiting my mother. She went inside to get her something to drink, and I stayed outside. Out of the corner of my eye, I say something move. I turned my head, and saw my dad on his riding lawnmower. There was no sound. I was only surprised, not scared. Then my mom came out, I turned to look at her, and then back at daddy, and he and the mower were gone. I didn't say anything, after all in my very concervative family, I am the "freak", so I knew that no one would believe me. After we sat for a few minutes, mom looked around and said, "I need to mow the yard. Your father would be so unhappy to see how it is grown." Now that freaked me out a little. A few months later, I was visiting her again, and when she went into the house, I saw my dad go in and follow her. She came out after a few minutes and said, "you know, sometimes I can really feel your daddy around me." More than you know, mom, more than you know.

Later, some months later, I get this call from her. She goes, "Kaaaaaaarreenn?" I go, "Mom, what is wrong?" She goes, "Kaaaaaaarreenn?" I go, "Mother! is something wrong?" She goes, "You won't believe who I just saw!" I go, "So, Mom, how did Daddy look?" She got quiet, and then said in a whisper, "how did you know?", and then I told her.

It was so good to see him again, and to know he was alright. And that he is looking after mom.


SAR01 ezOP posts: 1342 (1/24/01 2:56:47 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Daddy Walks Into The Light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for sharing these 2 stories....I does my heart good to hear them. we should have a thread on the proof we have of our friends or family that have gone on before us.

I'll think of one out of the many, and shorten it and post.

Edited by: SAR01 at: 2/2/01 2:52:59 am

DOTZAP Our Miss Sunshine posts: 436 (1/24/01 7:03:04 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Daddy Walks Into The Light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lynques, That is soooooooo wonderful! I mean seeing your Dad after he had passed ... not that he died. So very, very happy for you. I'm glad as can be that you were finally able to tell your Mom after she herself saw him, too! It's a real confirmation of life going on.

Sue, I was so happy to share my story with all. It gives hope to so many. It really does.

"The love for all living creatures is the noblest attribute of man." ~~~Charles Darwin~~~ Please visit us at the Thought Message Board Guardian 507 The Guardian Academy

hastey Registered User posts: 15 (2/1/01 2:42:15 am) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Daddy Walks Into The Light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dottie, Lynques - thank you so much for sharing those stories, they were so touching and I feel for both of you.

Once again - thank you ----------------------------------------

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DOTZAP Our Miss Sunshine posts: 524 (2/1/01 6:41:43 pm) Reply | Edit | Del Re: Daddy Walks Into The Light -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hastey, you are most welcome. I do want to give hope and comfort to those who have lost a loved one and what better way than to share this experience. So glad you enjoyed reading mine and Lynque's posts.

-- SAR01 (, March 13, 2001

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