My worms and I got the plum trees in today after the rain (Orchard) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Dug the holes for my new plum trees Saturday afternoon and got a good soaking rain today. After it was over, put a bale of shredded paper in the bottom of the hole with topsoil and peatmoss to make the worms a nice home, gonna add a pound of worms when it dries some. I set the trees in the water filling it with wormcast and more topsoil to displace all the water and anchor them well and give them roots a good drink. Gonna do my apple trees the same way Wednesday. Thats what I like about my new ag skills and learnings, even rainy days have a purpose!

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, March 12, 2001


Jay, how did you fare with the bad weather we had on Monday. We know lots of folks in Conecuh county. They said it was very bad. Trees down everywhere. Hope you missed all that.

-- Eve in NW FL (, March 14, 2001.

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