Tylan for goats and sheep ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Has anyone used TYLAN for goats and sheep ? If so at what rate ? I picked some up for the cow and would like to know if it could be used on sheep and goats just in case I ever need it . Thanks ~Patty

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), March 09, 2001


Howdy Patty, I am a real fan of Tylan, keeping the 50 on hand for baby rattles, really not pnemonia just inhaled amniotic fluid, using it at 1/2 cc subq given for one or two days, until you don't hear the noise in the lung. Regular dose on Tylan 50 is 6cc per 25 pounds, subq. Tylan 200 is 6cc per 100 pounds subq. And like all things goat and antibiotic, I give a severely ill animal a loading dose IM to get it in the blood stream very quickly, where using it on an infant or for suspected or profilactic metritis after kidding, I would give all the dosages subq. Excellent for pnemonia, especailly if you know you have missused penicillin in your goats from the wrong dosages, (or worse yet were one of those Combiotic folks :) and also great for foot rot. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), March 11, 2001.

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