Maps of U.S. population/air quality/av. temps??? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have been looking for maps of the U.S. with Population density and average temps for winter and summer and also air quality. We have been leaning towards moving to N.E. Tennessee or N.W. North Carolina but my son has been living in Asheville and he says he saw a documentary about the Smoky Mountain area that said there was a lot of air polution in the summer. Apparently high pressure ridges hang-up on the mountains and cause an inversion. He says there are "red days" when it is very detrimental to be outside over 2 hours. Oh, and what about nuclear waste sites, now we have heard there is one in Johnson City, TN.? I've been searching on the internet and either I'm more stupid than I thought [a distinct possibility] or I'm too impatient or I'm not asking Jeaves the right question!!!! Thanks, Artie Ann

-- Artie Ann Karns (, March 08, 2001


You might want to check this out for population density.

-- Bob Johnson (, March 08, 2001.

This might help you with the temps.

-- Bob Johnson (, March 08, 2001.

Here is the site I use when looking at a new locale.

-- Notforprint (, March 08, 2001.

Bob, Those maps are excellent! Thank you so much. I'm fascinated by this sort of thing. Much grass. (that's Spanish for 'thanks')

-- Action Dude (, March 08, 2001.

Hello Artie, Gene Gerue wrote a book in 1996 showing all the stuff you are looking for. The name of the book How To Find Your Ideal Country Home. I would recommend it for you or anyone that is curious about population density, climates, nuclear power plants, military installations,etc in their quest for moving to the country. There are a couple of used copies on or you can contact the auther for a new copy Sincerely, Ernest

-- Ernest in the Ozarks (, March 08, 2001.

We looked at East Tennessee and Western North Carolina and purchased property in Tennessee near the N.C. line. Property cost much less in Tennessee also no state income tax. There is some polution in the higher elivations of both states. We found our land in the foothills, southeast of Knoxville and are very happy.

-- Ellie Courson (, March 12, 2001.

I Agree that the book "How to Find Your Ideal Country Home" by Gene GeRue is an excellent book on just about any and all the information that you would want to know about where would be an excellent place to move! Well, I just love Michigan and the upper penninsula is about as air clean and beautiful as it gets. Although it does receive a lot of snow in the middle and western part of the upper penninsula. If I'd have the money for the spread I'd want I move there in a heart beat! I suggest to get the book as it is great reading and has tons of information.

-- Heaven's Half Acre (, March 14, 2001.

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