INVITATION TO SOUTH AFRICA : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

INVITATION TO SOUTH AFRICA. Are there any Large Format Photographers who would like to visit South Africa? Preferably Landscape Photographers but not necessarily. I am offering my home as accommodation for free for the duration of your stay. I live in a Quality apartment block with splendid views of the hole of Durban and the sea. I have reasonable transport. I am white, male, 55 years young, divorced, very fit, and regularly go Mountain Backpacking with my cameras. Within 200 kilometers of my home there is one of the most spectacular mountain ranges in South Africa. The DRAKENSBERG Mountain Range basically stretches from the Cape to Harrismith a distance of more than 1000 Kilometers. I belong to the Mountain Backpackers Club and have been climbing mountains since I was 12 years old. I still discover new and exciting places every year. Magnificent sunrises and sunsets. Bushman Paintings. The views are spectacular not to mention the incredible lightning storms that run along the mountains. Bring plenty film you will need it. Remember that the South African money is very weak against the Dollar or Pound so you can have a fantastic holiday at very little cost. The catch. There is no catch all I would like to do is meet other large format Photographers and do what I like best. There are also Game Ranges and Flowers in the Namib Desert to Photograph if you like. If you are interested kindly contact me, Best Regards, Snowy Smith SNOWY SMITH PHOTOGRAPHY. Established 1969. Mountain climbing, etc. etc. Mountain Landscape Photography Medium and Large format photography. 35mm, 6x7 cm, 4x5 inch, 8x10 inch Colour and Black & White E-mail Snowy P.O. Box 3021 Durban, Republic of South Africa, 4000. Tel. 031-2018877 Fax. 031-2018877 Cell 082-964-8877

-- SNOWY SMITH (, March 04, 2001



The Drakensberg mountain range extends for 350 kms along the western border of Kwalulu﷓Natal, South Africa and soars to an average height of nearly 3000 metres. It is the source of many great rivers, and contains a number of fragile ecosystems, making it one of SA's most important conservation areas. Almost the entire area is a protected park, a paradise of well﷓marked trails with patches of indigenous yellowwood forest and clear mountain streams. Wildlife is abundant, with a variety of antelope and other small mammals, and numerous bird species including the magnificent birds of prey. Trout fishing in rivers and dams is excellent. The San hunter﷓gatherers lived on these mountain slopes from about 8 000 years ago until the mid 1800s, and left behind a treasure trove of rock paintings to explore. The Berg is a hikers paradise with well﷓marked trails hugging the contour of the slopes or zigzagging up steep passes to the top of the escarpment. Hikers can take easy strolls or undertake major excursions and rock climbs with nights spent in caves or hikers' puts (which need to be pre﷓booked). All hikers should be prepared for extreme changes in the weather. The views are stunning and a Photographers Dream.

For more info e-mail me your postal address and I will send you some booklets to wet your appetite. (No charge, Free)

-- Snowy Smith (, March 09, 2001.

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