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greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Jesse Jackson came to Dallas and sopke at the Nation Baptist Convention. Not a single TV Station covered him or the event. The Dallas Morning News made no mention of his visit. The Fort Worth Star Telegram had a small article in the back pages. What does this mean or say about Jesse? Is he no longer newsworthy?

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001


I'm familiar with "The Silence of the Lambs" but the press silence on Jackson's visit is simply sheer hypocrisy. No doubt in my mind if this was a prominent black conservative activist, scholar or politician the press hounds would be out like fox hunting in England. If there was ever any doubt about press bias in coverage this is another irrefutable example. QED

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001

Jesse Jackson is a good man and has helped a tremendous amount of African-Americans in this country. Although, some people have forgotten, it was Jesse Jackson that took up the banner of leadership after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assasinated in 1968. It was also Rev. Jackson who educated millions of African-Americans about voter registration. In Virginia, we received the first African- American governor largely because of Rev. Jackson's voter registration efforts. If the Dallas Morning News purposely avoided coverage of Rev. Jackson's speech to the National Baptist Convention because they had intended to overshadow that visit with his most recent debacale, then I applaud their lack of coverage. Yes, Rev. Jackson is newsworthy and if enough of us christians pray for him and his family,he will be able to once again serve God in newness of life.


-- Anonymous, March 05, 2001

Fox news covered Jesse Jackson at the Baptist convention. But not a big story. They emphasized that during the convention Rev. Jackson is starting a new program for clergy to help raise funds for their communities and churches and that it would cost $1,000 per clergy. Of course they really emphasized that point. Without explaining his program.

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2001

Not meaning to get off of the subject, but Former President Bill Clinton received an award at the NAACP Image Awards and there was probably for the first time national coverage placed on this award show. Not because of the merits of the awards given, but because of the latest focus on the Clintons. I believe that we need to revamp the media completely. To paraphrase a saying from one of my favorite movies, Field of Dreams, If we stop requesting the trash, they won't print it.

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2001

Amy you are not off the subject. My twenty-three year old daughter has her degree in Broadcast Journalism and when she was 16 she told me that is what she wanted to do with her life. She asked if I were disappointed that she did want to be a minister. I told her NO! Because God needs Christians in all professions. Now that she is out of college she is working on an independent project that she is producing and she just hired a brilliant director who has won six "emmy awards" and he is also a Christian! I love her process she wanted someone who wanted to do her project, who had high morals, commitment to social justice issues and respected all people. She did not settle and the person she chose. Was this director, this is a wonderful example of how being true to Christ first will reap many rewards in all our endeavors. By the way I wonder what the criteria is for the "Image Awards." Just curious

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2001

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