Canon OpturaPi or Sony DCR-TRV20? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I am a novice DV user but have done extensive on-line research, especially on Canon and Sony models.

I have three fast-action little boys gearing up for a fast-action vacation this summer... my ultimate goal is to retire my SLR when I purchase a DV camcorder. I only want to tote one camera so I'm willing to pay a price.

My primary interest is preserving family memories. In addition to the video, I need family album quality stills. I rarely enlarged shots although if I begin to shoot better photos I just might! I shoot in all types of light conditions from bright sunny snow to low-light indoor.

It appears that Sony is premium for still image work (1152 x 864) but I sure hate to give up the Canon Progressive scan, Optical stabilizer, RGB filter.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom to share with me??

-- Lish Wilson (, March 02, 2001

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