masa harina (for making tortillas) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Anyone out there made there own masa harina (for making tortillas) from whole corn. I know you soak corn in lime then dry out before grinding. I was told you cannot make corn tortillas from regular cornmeal. I don't know how long to soak the corn or if the hulls come off? Anyone with a clue. I wanted to grow Hopie Blue Indian corn this summer and make my own masa harina. Unfortunately I am allergic to cornmeal. But I tolerate the blue for some odd reason.

-- Tiffani Cappello (CAPPELLO@ALLTEL.NET), March 01, 2001


Tiffani, about your allergy: are you allergic to homegrown cornmeal? Or organic ? Just wondering if it could be the commercially produced stuff that's bothering you,(very common) in which case it could be the hybrid used (or GEO!);or something in its production cycle, rather than that its just corn. Lots of people who react to corn, can eat old-fashioned open pollinated varities just fine.

-- Earthmama (, March 02, 2001.

It's been a while since I did this but here is what I remember. Soak the corn in the lime water, rub off the hulls [this was important] I remember it being ground up wet thus makeing the dough. Hand fulls were slapped down in the hot griddle and patted out thin, and it was turned several times, I think tamalies are easier just plop the dough into corn husk fold it over and steam, the filling is optional, I add salt always, garlic powder or onion powder, chili powder or what ever. sometimes I make sweet ones with raisens or other dried fruit, even chocolate ones.(I buy the dough mix now)

-- Thumper (, March 02, 2001.

Here is a site I found on the internet for making Masa Harina Good Luck

-- BB (, March 02, 2001.

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