Do you have a birthday in March? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Brother Bill came up with the idea that we start a birthday list. Which I think is a great idea! And since Bill Dickens makes so much money, I think we should post our birthdates so he will have a reason to spend some money on us. Seriously though, some of us would like to wish happy birthday to our AME family members.So if you have a march birthday please give us the date and an email address. Happy Birthday to all born during the month of March!! You are loved.
-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001
March 12
-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001
Amy Henry July 23 Philemon Henry April 6 Tyler Henry December 16 Jeremiah Henry July 21I think that we should not only do ourselves, but do our families as well. My older son loves things addressed to him.
Jeryl, will you compose us a list please, like the candidates for Bishop you composed.
-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001
Happy Birthday beautiful Brenda!! May God bless you and keep you and know that your AME family loves you especially me!!!
-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001
Does anyone else have a March birthday. We want to sing your praises! Tell us the date.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2001
March 10. Thanks so much.
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2001
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish the following a "Happy Birthday" today:
- Bishop John Richard Bryant
- Dr. Bill Dickens, QED
- Rev. Brenda Payne
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2001
"Dr. Bill Dickens, QED", Who pray-tell is that guy??? Can he preach too?? One thing's certain since his birthday coincides with Bishop Bryant and Parson Payne he is in great company :-) Thanks. Now about that Rolex watch I wanted..............QED
-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001