Combining Tables to have unique column : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
I have 3 tables each consisting of approximately 150 fields each. I want to create a single new table and have all the unique fields from each table in the new one. The one method i know is to name each of the fields in a SELECT clause along with a join on all the three tables. But then this is a cumbersome solution and error prone. If anyone has a better solution i would appreciate it. Thanks.
-- Anonymous, February 28, 2001
Sashindar,By 'unique fields' I presume that you want to avoid listing the join keys more than once.
I would do this by using a cursor to create a statement that could then be executed. For the example I show below, I will show how you would do a join of the pubs database titleauthor, titles, and authors tables, but avoid listing the title_id and au_id columns more than once. (Forgive the spacious formatting. it looks better in the forum.)
Hope this helps,
-- You may have to experiment with the size of your strings.
-- Keep in mind that the exec statment allows you to pass in
-- several concatenated strings that may total more than 8000
-- characters.
declare @SQLSTring varchar (8000)
declare @column_name varchar (200)
set @SQLString = 'select '
declare column_name_cursor cursor
select + '.' +
from syscolumns c,
sysobjects o
where in ('titles', 'authors', 'titleauthor')
and =
and not ( = 'titleauthor' and in ('au_id', 'title_id'))
order by,
open column_name_cursor
fetch next from column_name_cursor into @column_name
set @SQLString = @SQLString + @column_name
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
set @SQLString = @SQLString + ', '
fetch next from column_name_cursor into @column_name
set @SQLString = @SQLString + @column_name
close column_name_cursor
deallocate column_name_cursor
set @SQLString = @SQLString + ' from authors,'
set @SQLString = @SQLString + ' titles,'
set @SQLString = @SQLString + ' titleauthor'
set @SQLString = @SQLString +
' where authors.au_id = titleauthor.au_id'
set @SQLString = @SQLString +
' and titles.title_id = titleauthor.title_id'
exec (@SQLString)
-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001