Pan-Methodist : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Now that I am starting Seminary one of my first assignments is to research and write a paper on the proposed union of the various bodies of methodism.I have been able to come up with some articles on the proposed union of AME, CME, and AMEZ and the union of AME,AMEZ,CME, and UM churches, but I am looking for more sources of information.
Does anyone know any information on the attempts to reunite methodists or have any documentation, reports or proposals that have been given? Also, I would also like to go over some information on past attempts and unification.
Any opinions, details you may have, discussion and help toward finding sources would be appreciated.
-- Anonymous, February 27, 2001
Brother Michael, You can get started by using the computer for a search. Also, Dr. Dickerson, the A.M.E. Historiographer can provide you with some resources. Hope this helps. BAR
-- Anonymous, February 27, 2001
Ditto, Sis. Robinson's suggestions. Bishop Benjamin Tucker Tanner's biography, "The Fire Inside" has good information concening his views about black Methodist unification. QED
-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001
To get you started on historical references, please refer to THis includes a pointer to Richard Wright's Centennial History of the AME church from 1916, as well as a pointer to Bishop Tanner's writings. The Centennial history makes ereferences to some prior attempts at Methodist uni
-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001
A fairly exhaustive recollection of the journey of Pan Methodist Union may be found at
-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001