Nikon Action finders-- uses? : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hi, Tried posting this question on the other site without much success-- Looking for uses, conventional or otherwise that users have found for the various action finders. The more creative the better. Thanks, Marke

-- Marke D. Gilbert (, February 27, 2001


Action finders, I don't know, but an old trick with a waist level finder is to raise the camera above your head and look up into the finder. This gives you a high vantage point for an unusual picture angle, or more usefully, lets you shoot over the heads of the crowd of morons standing in front of you.

-- Pete Andrews (, February 27, 2001.

Action finders are good if you can't get your eye up to the finder due to some other obstruction such as a helmet visor or googles. it allows you to see the whole frame from quite a distance if you routinely photograph in situations when you might be wearing those safety devices.

I don't believe they would be very fun for general shooting. On some Nikon cameras, they preclude the use of all of the metering patterns.

-- Al Smith (, February 27, 2001.

I know a lot of people use them when the camera is in an underwater housing. Eye to camera distance is too great otherwise.

-- Anth Plummer (, March 14, 2001.

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