Another coccidiosis question (goats) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I wrote a few days ago and ask about coccidiosis prevention. I purchased a pint of 20%Sulfaquinoxaline Sodium solution. Is this the same thing that was recommended? Can this be given 1cc undiluted down there throat with a syringe. My first kid is three weeks old today. I saw a couple dirty rear ends while I was at the barn a little while ago. I live in central Arkansas and it's been very warm the last few days. I've just been on line about a month and I love this forum just as I have always loved Countryside, thanks so much for being apart of my life..

-- sherry mullins (, February 26, 2001


Hi Sherry this is exactly what I use. I use it at 2cc for anything under 50 pounds, 3cc for anything under 75 pounds, etc. I put it into their milk, I have never had a kid refuse the bottle or lambar so it is such a small amount of meds that it must not flavor it at all. I would think it would taste nasty like all sulfa's so perhaps adding some kero syrup to the syringe for the 5 days would be better.

I also got the dosage for slippery elm, quite by accident really, it is 8 drops. You may want to give this along with the sulfa since you are already seeing nasty bottoms. We start our sulfa prevention before they are 3 weeks old and continue it every 3 weeks until weaned and aggressively eating their grain. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, March 02, 2001.

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