Help on F4E : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Soon I hope to be purchasing an F4E, can anyone tell me what is a good price for one in 'condition 3', as described on the jessops site at ? I've been quoted £650 body only for a 25xxxxxxx serial no.

-- David Kirk (, February 26, 2001


That sounds like a reasonable price for a F4E in "condition 3" (meaining with cosmetic flaw); a F4E in similar condition usually goes for about US$900 or more in Hong Kong and Japan. For further reference on the F4E, see John Wall's website: .

-- Hoyin Lee (, February 28, 2001.

Oops! Wrong title to the URL! It links correctly, but the title should be "The Nikon F4 FAQ".

-- Hoyin Lee (, February 28, 2001.

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