fried breaded tenderloin sandwich : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

i am looking for a recipe for the best breaded fried tenderloin sandwich

-- rhonda dobson (, February 24, 2001


I use whole wheat flour, and toss in salt, fresh ground pepper, lots of paprika, and a bit of ground thyme. Dredge your tenderloin in this, let it sit in the flour for about 15 minutes, and fry it up. A good rule for keeping the breading on the meat instead of the skillet bottom is 'hot skillet, cold meat.'

Slap it between two slices of homemade wheat bread, stack on fresh tomato, onion, and homemade mayonnaise, and you're there.

-- Connie (, February 25, 2001.

Sounds like you are talking about chicken fried steak. If you like kind of heavy breading: mix salt and pepper in flour, cover meat with flour, dip in cold water, recover meat with flour, fry. If you like a lighter covering just flour it once. Cast iron skillet is best for cooking it....use a shallow amount of oil.

-- Amanda in Mo (, February 26, 2001.

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