Can I play CD-R on my Panasonic VCD Player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I bought new Panasonic VCD Player recently. I have about 20 new CD-R with me. How can I use this CD for my player. I want to record some movies and some songs on these CDs. Is it possible? How? Can you explain me in details. You know I am dumb in all this.

Waiting for positive response, Regards,

-- Juzer Gandhi (, February 24, 2001


You will need following things to start with:

-a computer with a burner (CD writer)

-Audio/video capture devices

-MP3/Wav etc files for burning audio CDs; MPEG files to burn your VCDs.

-CD authoring programme like Nero/WinOnCd etc.

After you have acquired the above read all you can on

-- Subodh (, February 26, 2001.

i can play some song and som film on your vcd player thank you

-- khalid izhar (, May 19, 2001.

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