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Has anyone made French fried okra? What's the best recipe? Any tips? Thanks.

-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 23, 2001


Cindy..don't know if this is what you are looking for but this is what I do to it...cut in bite size pieces, dip it in egg wash, roll it around in cornmeal&flour mixture with salt and pepper in it..then deep fry it until it floats up.

-- Lynn(MO) (mscratch1@semo.net), February 23, 2001.

I never heard of french fried okra. I just slice it up, salt it and dredge it in cornmeal, then fry it. If french fried is something different - I wouldn't mind trying it.

-- Linda Al-Sangar (alsangal@brentwood-tn.org), February 25, 2001.

If you mean like a french fry? use small pods unsliced dropped into HOT oil they blister and float[becareful some may pop open] they should cook almost instantly and be drained on paper and salted, I like green beans this way too, some times I use flour or a egg batter.

-- Thumper (slrldr@aol.com), February 25, 2001.

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