playing burned vcds on playstation with : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
My original vcds play in my pc and playstation with vcd adaptor but my burned copys do not play in my playstation a message comes up saying no disc present any help would be appreciated
-- stuart smith (, February 16, 2001
Make sure you burn to CD-RW and not CD-R.
-- kevin (, February 18, 2001.
First of all to the last guy that posted a reply, CDRW DOES NOT work in a playstation. Second, concerning the VCD adaptor/PSX, the PSX was not meant to play a VCD so you cant expect a miracle. PSX was cheaply built so it is very particular about what discs it plays. Buy TDK Certified discs or if you can afford it, go to and order the Silver/Silver CD-R (also known as True Silver CD-R's). They have been known to be the most compatible discs to use with any type of CD player. As a matter of fact, I used these on DVD players that normally didn't work with ANY CD-R media and they worked fine.
-- MrVCD (, February 22, 2001.