Is my VCD Pressed on or a CD-R : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I bought a VCD which has all the signs of being a CD-R; 2 shades of silver on the underside, low quality print on the top and comes in cheap plastic sleeves. But it plays great on my Toshiba 4109x and Panasonc PV-30, neither of which has ever played any CD-R or CD-RW and it is silver on the underside. NERO says it is a Read only media. Is it possible for a pressed on to have the 2 shades like a CD-R? If it is a CD-R, I would like to find the Media they used.

-- Ravi S (, February 12, 2001


It could be one of those Tru-Silver CD-R's. I bought those and played them on a few DVD players that were listed as CD-R incompatible and they played fine. I guess the closest to a silver a CD-R is, the better chance it will play. sells Tru-Silver CD media. Now as far as Nero saying it is a read only disc, it will do that with a CD-R anyways should that CD-R be closed for no further writing.

-- Victor DeLarose (, February 14, 2001.

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