Starting over in new location : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Well, civilization has finally overwhelmed us and we feel it's time to move on. Our little place in the woods is quickly getting crowded out by new construction and neighbors. We have found a place (30 acres) that is beautiful and secluded. 20 acres of pasture and 10 of healthy trees. It has a small pond that's stocked and so much potential. We hate the thought of leaving this place as it's become a part of us but since prices have gotten crazy around here it looks like we'll get about twice what we paid for it. I know I don't post as much as I used to but I still check in a lot and draw strength from all of you.

Just when we thought we were settled the adventure begins again. Wish us luck and I'll post updates as we go along.

God Bless

Jim Tanner

-- Jim Tanner (, February 09, 2001


Hi Jim! I is very difficult to make a decision to move, but it sounds as if the new place is very nice. If you can make it on the land and will be happy there, go for it. Remember, you may be starting over on new land, but the knowledge, experience and memories are yours to keep forever. Good luck to you.

-- Shau Marie (, February 09, 2001.

Good luck Jim! There's something to be said for new adventures!

-- Laura Jensen (, February 09, 2001.

Good luck, this Yankee really struggled with the move from the north to Kentucky, but this has been one heck of an adventure and isn't that what life is all about. I used to be a nurse and never sat at any death beds and heard, "man, I wish I hadn't done so much!" It was always, "I wish I had ....." Keep doing, Jean

-- jean (dandrea@duo-county.comm), February 09, 2001.

One of our concerns is that our fruit trees and grapes vines are finally producing and I can't think of a way to transplant them since they are rather large.

The animals will have to have new pens and such but the biggest sore point for me is that we just finished our new pole barn :( oh well, I now know a lot more about building one so that will be easier this time around. It's going to be great to have more land though..

Any suggestions on a all purpose type tractor? Hoot, if you read this maybe you can give some suggestions for a wood furnace. The family is very excited abou the move so all in all it's going to be a positive thing.

Best of all is the privacy!! It's mostly small farms and cattle around us. So hopefully we won't have to worry about being crowded out again for a long long time.

Jim Tanner

-- Jim Tanner (, February 10, 2001.

Hey Jim,

We are trying to do the same thing, only ours is more for a reason of being debt free. We have privacy here, 12 acres, and the garden is sooooo rich after 4 years of tending. We have ours on the market, and it is a wierd feeling "showing" this farm to others. We saved the house, it was vacant 10 years, mowed and improved the grass fields, and gave the place new life. But, if we sell and start over, we can be debt free.

I get butterflies in my stomach when I think of all we would have to do. So many things to think about, but exciting at the same time. We are going to hold out for a year round creek this time, with woods around us. Put up a Quanset and share it with the animals. And do woodworking and just live simpler. We are both 40ish so we better get debt free now. Have fun on your new adventure!

-- Cindy in Ky (, February 10, 2001.

Jim, when you were talking about what you learned about building from your pole barn, I think you have seen a really wonderful point about "starting over". We made a lot of mistakes, even trying to think things through, and hopefully would not make the same ones if we were to start over. It might be fun to really list out everything you have done on your current place and evaluate your satisfaction with it as you worked with it. After many years of a garden in a place that we thought would be the best, we are moving ours because of a real drainage problem that exists in wet years. We just keep learning. Good luck on your new adventure.

-- diane (, February 10, 2001.

Enjoy and God Bless you.

-- Cindy (SE In) (, February 15, 2001.

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