Does anyone know of a source for Angora rabbits in Ok/Ark? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We would like to get a couple and see how it goes. We have raised lots of rabbits over the years, but never Angora. We would appreciate it if ya'll know of anyone that sells nice quality ones in our area. I checked a few web sites and was SHOCKED at the price of bunnies. The woman wanted 125 and up for the giants! She wanted 65 for the french. We need one that has good quality fur, but don't need for it to be in a beauty pagent:~) !!! Thanks! As always I appreciate your help!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Nan (, February 09, 2001
Try calling your local extension office and ask about local 4-H clubs who raise rabbits. Some around here seem to specialize in rabbits. They should be able to find someone in their club who is selling. Is that any help? Hope so. :) Kathleen
-- Kathleen (, February 12, 2001.