Homesteaders near Atlanta (North)? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I currently live and work in Atlanta and plan to break away to the mountains of western NC in the near future. I work near Alpharetta (just north of Atlanta) in a part of Forsythe County that is still somewhat rural, although urban sprawl is rapidly encroaching on it. I was just curious if anyone frequenting this board is currently homesteading in this area and what the impact of all this unchecked growth is on them. I realize this is happening in many parts of the country, but the growth around Atlanta in general, and north of Atlanta in particular is totally out of control in my opinion. Jack

-- jack (, February 05, 2001


Hi, I don't live north of you, but south of Atlanta and you should see what is happening here. One subdivision right after another being built, land prices going sky high, and industries taking over too. The problem with moving to N. GA is that you have to compete with all the flatlanders and snowbirds for real estate which drives up the costs too. I looked up in the mountain area and into the mountain area of North Carolina too. Anywhere from Gatlinburg TN to Cashing (sp)NC was beautiful but so expensive. Too many "summer homes" up in that area. So I bought south of Atlanta, my mistake was not going far enough south :>) Should have went on about another 100 miles or so. Atlanta's creep is now south of Newnan and still going strong. Good luck finding a homestead, i am sure there are some Countrysiders out there who know the "back roads" of NC and would know where less expensive land can be found without all the urban sprawl. Take care,

-- Cindy (, February 11, 2001.

Hi, I live in south, south Georgia (Valdosta) and believe me almost anywhere along the interstate that there is an exit is growing like a weed. Hopfully my property value will get high enough to make a profit, then I can move away from all this. I think you need to stay a good ways from interstates to be able to stay rural for very long. At least that is my plan now. Herb.

-- Herb. (hsmith@yta,, February 11, 2001.

Forsythe County? YIKES...I'd want to move too! I'm 110% for homesteading, but the racism in that particular part of the state is UNREAL!!! That would be reason enough to send me packing!!!!!! The phrase, "RUN FORREST, RUN!!!!!" comes to mind! Good luck to you! ~Michelle

-- Michelle (, February 28, 2002.

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