Recipe search : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We are looking for a recipe for making pepperoncini, and what kind of peppers are in it? Also looking for a good canned chiles recipe, and the best kind of peppers for that?

-- Ellie Courson (, February 04, 2001


I too would be intrested in a recipe for pepperoncini. I hope some on has one. on the same note I just got a jar of the best bread and butter pickles made out of jalapeno's they are sold under the name west texas pepper traders inc. It is my understanding that they are made by developmentally disabled adults and they have a whole line of products including salsa and BBQ sauce I did not intend for this to be an advertizement but I have a 1 800 number if any one would be intrested in ordering. They are a winner of the chili pepper magazine best new procduct award for 2000. I just think its a good cause.

-- ronda (, February 05, 2001.

Don't know if this is quite what you're looking for but it might help!

-- Bob Johnson (, February 05, 2001.

-- Bob Johnson (, February 05, 2001.

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