humor: actual want ad : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

This just came out in our Friday night shopper. I swear it's word for word. Thought you'd get a kick out of it:

For sale 24 year old laying hens. Lay brown eggs $1.50 each. 15 older laying hens, $1.00 each.

-- Peg in NW WI (, February 04, 2001


Peg - I suggest you buy them! There is a longevity gene there that I believe we should investigate. I am willing to send money for the experiment! GL!

-- Brad (, February 04, 2001.

At 24 , they HAVE to be laying hens, probally couldnt stand long and would be tough to fry.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 05, 2001.

I want to know where she is that she can ask $1.50 each for brown eggs.

-- diane (, February 05, 2001.

In our local paper a couple weeks ago:


Homemade jams and jellies, call Betty 123-4567

-- Cindy in Ky (, February 06, 2001.

Sounds like someone added WAY to much pectin.

-- Soni (, February 06, 2001.

Hi; my sweetie insists that only OLD hens make good chicken soup - he says the fat has to be a real dark yellow. Heck, I say, at $1.50 you should try them; if they won't lay, stick them in a great big pressure cooker - everything comes out tender that way and if it doesn't 30 min at 10 #, go again 15-20 min at 15 #!!

-- Helen Schesniak (, February 10, 2001.

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