ACL 17862 - "watermelon" boxcar - need plans or : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread |
I have a picture sent me as an e-mail attachment of ACL 17862, a 36 ft. ventilated boxcar that shows reweighed (and evidently painted) at Waycross in Feb. 1954. I would dearly love to scratchbuild a model of this car in N scale, but this is the only picture of the car I can find. I need photos or plans of the roof and ends. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
-- Gregg Mahlkov (, January 31, 2001
Gregg - The ACL/SAL HS magazine LINES SOUTH April 1989 issue contained an article on ACL ventilator boxcars with many photos, drawings, etc. Though that issue is probably out of print, contact the Society for a photo copy of the article.
-- Tom Underwood (, February 01, 2001.