Three minute bean soup article in Jan/Feb edition of Countryside Mag. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Got Countryside Magazine today and ran..not the kitchen when I saw the article on three minute bean soup. You see, my husband hates beans with a passion so, anytime I can get one down his gullet, it's a triumph. Afterall, beans are so wonderful, nutritionally speaking! You grind up the beans to a flour consistency...that's why he hopefully, won't notice them in the soup. Had to do a little creative changing around because I don't have any chicken in the house, but added some carrots, garlic, parsley and may add some swiss chard and onion to it...whatever I can find. Also added a little sugar to take the "bean bite" out. Anyhow, the taste of this soup base is good...surprisingly so. We'll see how it goes at dinner tonight.

-- Joanne Schaefer (, January 30, 2001


I have changed the name of soup to Cream of Wheat soup as I use on- hand coarse whole wheat flour instead of the bean flour and it's terrific! Been having it every day for lunch to warm up. I just use as few or as many of the ingredients that I have on hand without any sugar needed.

-- Sandy Davis (, January 31, 2001.

Thanks for the idea, Sandy! By the way, my husband loved the soup even AFTER I told him what was in it. He said it was "a keeper."

-- Joanne Schaefer (, February 01, 2001.

REad that receipe in the mag. We love beans and wanted to try it. Is there anything else that can be used to grind up the beans? I don't have a grain mill. (yet) Thanks

-- cindy palmer (, February 02, 2001.

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