bee help : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I contacted the state AG DEPT about my "winter bees",, they suggested I send them to the lab,, its free,, you send in a sample of them,, the do their tests,, and send you back a report,, all FREE,, well almost free,, taxes pay for it. Heres the address and direction,, Im going to keep this handy, in case something else ever comes up surprisingly.

Bees to be examined for Parasitic Mites should be placed in 70% ethyl or methyl alcohol as soon as possible after collection and carefully packed in leak-proof containers.

Send all samples to:

Bee Disease Diagnosis Bee Research Laboratory Bldg. 476, BARC-East Beltsville, MD 20705

A short description of the problem along with your name and address should be attached to the package. There is no charge for this service.

hope this helps someone

-- Stan (, January 27, 2001


THANKS, Stan! Although I don't have them yet, they are in my plans for hopefully, this next year, if I get the hives soon. Always appreciate good information! Jan

-- Jan in CO (, January 27, 2001.

Is this s fed program or is it a state?

-- MikeinKS (, January 27, 2001.

Stan are you talking about checking for tracheal mites?

-- Laura (, January 28, 2001.

this is a labatory. Its run by the U.S. Dept of AG, Entomology. All the check is bees,, for all the various deiseses, mites,,whatever. If you send them a sample of bees,, they will tell you if they have foulbrood,,nosema,, mites, whatever.

-- Stan (, January 28, 2001.

An easy way to check for varrioa mites, pull out a few drone larva. If your hive is infested, it is easy to see the little rusty colored mites on the white larva. your test is done & no waiting for the mail. your nose will tell if you have foul brood. another test, capped larva will be sunken in, insert a tooth pick (or similiar object), if it is brown & goouey, that is foul brood. i suggest keeping grease patties year round as pervention for foulbrood & it seems to work on traceal mites as well. make sure you use vegtable shortening in your patties, just flop 2 or 3 table spoons full on the middle of the top bars in the brood chamber. enjoy the bees ! has good info. Larry in OK

-- Larry in OK (, January 30, 2001.

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