gelatin silver : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

What is a gelatin silver print?

-- Christina Reilly (, January 26, 2001


Just a fancy name for a regular film print. :-)

-- Johnny Motown (, January 27, 2001.

Yes, Silver-gelatine is one of the most used B+W types of print. Other types are Platinum prints, Kallitype print, Cyanotypes who are all B+W processes but are not silvergelatine prints.

-- Marc Leest (, January 29, 2001.

Yes, it's Art-gallery-speak for plain, old fashioned, fibre based bromide paper. I suppose it's used to distinguish it from resin coated paper, but it's still a pretentious and poncey name. It would be much more honest and informative if the make and type of paper was announced. Portriga rapid, grade 3, or whatever.

-- Pete Andrews (, January 30, 2001.

Why do you think RC paper is not silver gelatin?

-- Matthew Hunt (, January 30, 2001.

The archivists try to catagorise everything and this term helps them distinguish this style of image from all the other styles. Whether it is a fancy name is a personal view point and should be pointed out as such.

-- Lee Carmichael (, January 30, 2001.

Following the 'categorise everything' line of reasoning, and given the difference in archival permanence from fibre based paper, then RC prints should be called "Silver gelatine/polymer" or just "Silver polymer".

-- Pete Andrews (, February 01, 2001.

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